Week August 30- September 3 | Compositional Strategies


Approaches to Shooting | Compositional Strategies | Contact Sheet


-Review: Exposure & Camera Settings  

-Individual Camera Help 

We will discuss the following Compositional Strategies:

Rule of 3rds




Narrow and wide depth of field


Avoid distractions in the frame 

Try different angles and arrangements

What you want to viewer focus on in the image

Is there texture? Is it subject light or heavy and how can I convey this in my images? 

Are you utilizing negative space or filling in the entire frame.

Eye Level:

Traditional (straight on) 

Bird’s eye (Above the object) or below the object  

Close up \ far away

Unique angle


Make it interesting!

- In class Camera Exploration

HOMEWORK: Compositional Assignment (50 images) (DUE Sept. 2) 

Shoot (50) photographs that demonstrate all of these strategies. Make at least three compositions of every subject you photograph. We will look at your images on Thursday in class.


• Photoshop

• File Transfer  

• Contact Sheet Demo 

• Creating PDF Contact Sheet

• Share and discuss your Compositional Assignments images (Place unedited images in UA box) 

Warm-up exercise #1:

Rules of the game:

    • Maintain all social distancing requirements
    • Shoot outside, with ample daylight
    • Use the camera you plan to use for the course, if possible. Set camera to automatic. 
Sequence #A:

For 5 minutes, shoot as many pictures as possible, of as many subjects as possible. Do not repeat any subjects. Shoot quickly and move on to something new or different. 

Sequence #B:

For 5 minutes, shoot as many pictures as possible of a single subject. This should be a specific person, place or thing. For variation, try close-ups, crops, wide angle shots, etc.

HOMEWORK: Compositional Assignment (TOP 10) (DUE Sept. 7) 


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